Monday, November 26, 2012

Return to Battle - 11/26/2012

Good evening everyone and welcome, once again, to City of Traders!

Today I am here to supply you with your weekly dose of Magic financial data and the trends that are currently stomping through Standard.  Additionally, I will point out which of the 310 Uncommons in standard are worth more than $0.50, which doesn't sound like a lot, but can add up quickly, or make for good additional trade fodder.

As always, before we get started I am going to offer my usual advice (about my advice), and some ever present instructions:

First a disclaimer: Please take my advice at your own risk!  I am not a professional psychic and have absolutely no idea what card prices will do and that any advice offered is purely based on my own speculations/card price trends.

Second some directions:  In order to view the images posted on this blog at full size, please follow these simple directions.
Step 1: Left click on the image to bring it up.
Step 2: Right click on the image to bring up a list of options.
Step 3: Left click on "View Image"
Step 4: Left click on the image to enlarge it.  This will allow you to easily view it at full size.
Step 5: Marvel at how quickly prices can change.

Return to Ravnica is up first!
All prices are mid on at the given date

Ash Zealot $3.41 (+0.17):  Ash Zealot  has been steadily moving up and although it doesn't have the game impacting awesomeness of Hellrider, it is still, red, has haste, and has the potential to do more damage over the course of the game.

Deathrite Shaman $9.33 (+0.19):  As more and more people find uses for this card, his price is going to continually increase.  A friend of mine has compared this card to Noble Hierarch and when you think about it, the cards aren't that far off.  While Noble Hierarch ($23.35) messes up combat math in your favor, Deathrite Shaman can punish your opponents via hating the graveyard.  Both cards produce mana, and both cards swing (effectively) as a 1/2.  Get Deathrites while you can.

Loxodon Smiter $3.68 (+0.04):  Four whopping cents.  Buuut, Loxodon is still a 3 mana 4/4 that can't be countered, and on rare occasions can be seen coming into play for free.  With all of the aggro decks running rampant in standard, this is a fine early way to bog down the ground, so that you can stabailze your life total and rally in the mid to late game.  This may not be a big mover, but  I would keep an eye on the Smiter.

Sphinx's Revelation $23.22 (+9.86):  When it blew past $10 I wasn't surprised, but now that it has (quickly I might add) surpassed $20 this card doesn't even show a sign of stopping.  It might hit $30 at the rate that it has been increasing, and if you are looking to make some money by selling/trading off your copies, then I would suggest holding onto them until they peak.  Otherwise, if you need these for your deck, get them now before they get really expensive.

Most of the set is going to be on this list so I am only going to provide brief commentary.

Abrupt Decay $6.98 (-0.18):  Still falling in price, although at a slower pace.  If you think that these cards are going to blow up in price grab these once they have hit bottom (which may be soon).

Angel of Serenity $23.16 (-0.39):  Judging by the strong presence of BR aggro currently in Standard, it may be that giant seven drops aren't going to be as popular.  This card may continue to drop and if it does, I suggest you make plans to depart with yours in the future.

Armada Wurm $11.11 (-1.34):  This is going to end up under $10 because of the fast nature of Standard, which is a shame, because this card is still cool in my book.

The Shocklands $$$ --> $$:  Once again, we see the Shocklands steadily falling.  These are going to be the cards (other than some of the Mythic Rares) that are going to best retain their value after the set rotates out of standard (but that is sooooo long from now) so pick up as many copies of these as you can.

Chromatic Lantern $2.55 (-0.14):  I guess this card is going to keep falling in price.  If you haven't picked any up yet for future Commander trades, then I would recommend waiting until it finishes and bottoms out.

Cyclonic Rift $2.52 (-0.21):  So far none of the Overload cards have really impacted any format (other than EDH), which is a bummer.  I hope these see some play at some time during their time in Standard.

Detention Sphere $5.28 (-0.23):  I don't think this is a bad card, so look for it to hit the bottom and then eventually go back up.

Dreadbore $5.47 (-0.25)  I feel like this card is very similar to D-Sphere so please see the above comment.

The Guild Leaders $$ --> $ These need to fall a little faster so that I can go ahead and get the ones I'm missing for my sweet commander decks.

Jace, Architect of Thought $32.09 (-2.52):  Jace's high price post Return to Ravnica release can be attributed to high demand, hype, and a smattering of actual awesome playability.  Sadly, I think he is going to continue to fall into a more reasonable price range.

Lotleth Troll $5.05 (-0.54):  BR = aggro, and GB = Reanimator, so where does that leave the troll?

Mizzium Mortars $3.17 (-0.38): I really wanted Conely's brew to win GP San Antonio, and coincidentally, so did Mizzium Mortars.  But alas, you can't always get what you want.

Necropolis Regent $2.15 (-0.07):  I really hate it when Mythic Rares are just not quite . . . Mythic enough (sorry Archangel's Light)

Nivmagus Elemental $1.23 (-0.24):  As of right now, this is a bulk rare, until some card comes out and makes this a part of a sweet combo.

Rakdos's Return $8.74 (-0.41):  I like cool game ending Mythics just as much as the next guy, and I think once the right control deck picks this up as a finisher its price is going to look a little more like Sphinx's Revelation, but until then . . . the data speaks for itself.

Supreme Verdict $4.40 (-0.18):  Alas, uncounterable wrath, we hardly knew ye.

Vraska the Unseen $12.78 (-0.65):  If only Vraska made creatures attack her like Gideon did, oh well.

Whew, what a list, that is it for RtR now lets look at Avacyn Restored.
All prices are mid on at the given date

Cavern of Souls $20.14 (+0.45):  Surprise!  Cavern is steadily trending up, because, Surprise!  People don't like their stuff getting countered.  The fact that this card makes something uncounterable AND mana-fixes makes it a multi format all star.  If you can pick these up, I highly recommend it.

Craterhoof Behemoth $16.44 (+1.39):  So Behemoth has probably peaked at $18.21 due to its SUPER HYPE status and if it continues to trend back down should be sold immediately for, what I hope, is a sweet profit.

Restoration Angel $13.69 (+0.27):  Still moving up and still a great card.  I wouldn't let these go for a while.

Sigarda, Host of Herons $11.90 (+0.40):  Cost really does matter.  It is kind of funny to think about Sigarda in connection with the other multicolor Mythic angels from Avacyn Restored.  All three are fantastically great in their own respect, but Sigarda hits the 5 converted mana cost sweet spot that is currently the benchmark in standard.

Silverblade Paladin $9.85 (+1.36):  Here is the growth that we have come to expect from Silverblade.  I expect this to easily hit $10 (it is only 15 cents away after all) and to be frank, I don't think this card will have any problem making it to $13-15 either.

Somberwald Sage $1.72 (+0.17)  Remember that thing I said about Complimentary Goods?  Now I understand why it is an Economic principle.  I think this will hit $2-3 again before it is done in standard.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage $27.37 (+0.16):  She's up, she's down and I still don't know what to think about Tami.  I know she is good, so there is that, but I can't make a solid prediction based on her data.  Keep an eye on how her price is moving and make an assessment at your leisure.

Terminus $11.04 (+0.20):  Terminus was kind of just hanging out there for a while, and now it seems it is going to start heading back up.  This could have something to do with the popularity of BR aggro, maybe :D

Vexing Devil $6.83 (+0.11):  I am vexed by this little devil.  Okay, I know that was bad, but regardless, Vexing's price is all over the place.  Right now he is up and doesn't appear to be stopping.


Bonfire of the Damned $28.40 (-0.78):  Don't let whatever happened in the middle of the week fool you, Bonfire is still falling.  There still isn't enough ramp in standard to support this card, and until another 1 cmc mana dude comes out, this card still won't see play.

Entreat the Angels $25.77 (-1.03):  It really does look like Sphinx's Revelation is taking the wind out of Entreat's sales (see what I did there?).  It would be wise (in my opinion) to go a head and get rid of this card if you are just in it to try and make money.  If you are trying to win games and such, continue combining Entreat and Sphinx's Revelation for maximum enjoyment.

Griselbrand $10.53 (-0.15):  I really wish this card wasn't banned in EDH.  That is all.

Temporal Mastery $10.11 (-0.17):  I really like this card, but it just isn't doing enough in Standard right now.  It does have some fun applications in Legacy but its lack of appeal in Standard is hurting its price.

Dark Ascension time is now!
All prices are mid on at the given date

Hellrider $8.44 (+1.76):  On a professional note, this card is probably going to hit $10-12.  On a personal note, I really hope it does, because I have a few of them that I will have no trouble parting with.  Grab these while they are hot, especially if you are planning to build BR aggro in the near future.

Huntmaster of the Fells $19.47 (+0.53):  Good Mythic is good?  Yes.  I have written about this card's applications in both Standard, Modern, and the future Standard (post Gatecrash), and if you haven't paid attention yet, I recommend you do so, because I don't see Huntmaster stopping.

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad $20.54 (+2.11):  I've heard planeswalkers are good.  Whether  it is junk tokens, or some Modern themed token deck, Sorin certainly is delivering.  A cautionary note however,  Sorin's price will top out as the Duel decks approach, and when it does, I highly recommend selling all of yours, and then just paying $20 to get them back (unless you are some kinda crazy art loving person, which is your business).

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben $5.88 (+0.09):  I would feel bad not mentioning Thalia, and then having her price continue to go up, so Thalia, consider this your mention.

Vault of the Archangel $2.30 (+0.11):  Goodness, someone figured out that Deathtouch and Lifelink make creatures better!  Also Orzhov, but that isn't going to matter until later.


Geralf's Messanger $9.90 (-0.26):  Despite the popularity of BR aggro and Geralf's Messanger's 4 of presence, his price is not currently reflecting his success.  I would like to his price bounce back, but until it does, there isn't much else I can say.

Gravecrawler $10.81 (-0.26):  See the previous entry, and replace Geralf's Messanger with Gravecrawler.

A short list, but a relevant one, and now onto Innistrad
All prices are mid on at the given date

Cackling Counterpart $0.71 (+0.05):  Uhhhh, is this a thing?  If it is, I have no idea what it is.

Clifftop Retreat $10.09 (+0.16):  Not a lot going on here, but it is important to note that Clifftop Retreat is moving up and will continue to do so.  I don't foresee this trending back down in the near future.

Geist of Saint Traft $33.58 (+0.37):  Geist is still good.  Not much to say here.  I don't see his price going any where down any time soon.

Liliana of the Veil $25.15 (+0.16):  I know that sixteen cents isn't much but there isn't a whole lot of movement happening in Innistrad.  Three mana 'walkers are very good and Liliana's popularity hasn't seemed to fall to much yet.

Runechanter's Pike $1.72 (+0.08):  Probably nothing, but still notable.

Not much to see here either.


The Innistrad Duals that Aren't Clifftop Retreat:  These are still slowly moving down, especially Sulfur Falls and Woodland Cemetery.  I wouldn't read too much into this, other than that Izzet isn't that popular, and Woodland Cemetery is still coming down from having an influx of copies enter the market.

This is it for Innistrad, not much happening this week, but then again, they all can't be huge.  Now the core set M13!
All prices are mid on at the given date

Dragonskull Summit $3.55 (+0.09):  Rakdos (read: BR aggro) is quite popular right now, and when you gotta have your mana fixing, you gotta have it.  There are a ton of these in circulation, so I don't see it going to much higher, but you never do know.

Garruk, Primal Hunter $10.13 (+0.93):  Finally some real growth,  I was starting to get sad after slogging through Innistrad.  Garruk is once again proving his playability in Standard.  When you have big creatures and want to draw cards he really is the only option.  Garruk will probably continue to trend up for a while so get him now if you need him.

Intrepid Hero $0.69 (+0.05):  I know that this amount of movement is negligible, buuuut Intrepid hero is an instant (usually) white way to deal with some of the bigger creatures in standard.  That is all.

Jace, Memory Adept $8.12 (+0.12):  Huh, I think this just proves that people really really do love their Mill.  Jace, Architect of Thought is a better card (in most ways) but at the same time, it is important to note that Jace 3.0 is trending up.

Sublime Archangel $27.26 (+0.34):  I think Sublime may have peaked.  If it continues to trend down, then I would suggest selling yours if you are looking to make a profit.  Although to be fair, I think this card is good enough to command a pretty high price, so don't look for it to fall to hard.

Sunpetal Grove $4.78 (+0.29):  Selesnya is quite popular right now, and when you gotta have your mana fixing, you gotta have it.  There are a ton of these in circulation, so I don't see it going to much higher, but you never do know.

Thundermaw Hellkite $23.64 (+3.16):  Typically when a deck begins to do well the Mythic Rares increase in price more than the other cards.  Since people are running (and winning with) BR aggro they are buying the cards for it and odds are most people don't have the Hellkites so they are in higher demand.  That higher demand is what is currently driving Thundermaw's price up.  Falkenrath Aristocrat's price, on the other hand, isn't increasing as much (I believe) because people who need them for BR aggro already have them from the decks previous incarnation that ran them.  I expect Thundermaw to hit $30 and when it does, I expect people who picked them up low to make some money.


Ajani, Caller of the Pride $12.47 (-0.48):  I kind of want Ajani to drop really really low, so that when he does turn up and his price skyrockets (which is inevitable, hopefully) I can make some money on him.  then again, his price could never go up again.

Cathedral of War $2.53 (-0.09):  Still tapped, still trending down.

Liliana of the Dark Realms $10.47 (-0.22):  It comes as no surprise that Lili is moving down.  She just doesn't do enough to warrant being as expensive as she is.  I understand that other people may have different arguments for her, but in my opinion she gets out classed by the 3 drop version every time.

Talrand Sky Summoner $3.23 (-0.15):  Has anyone tried Talrand in Modern with all of the 0 cost spells there because that is the only way I see him seeing any play any time soon.

Thragtusk $23.38 (-0.57):  It had to happen eventually.  Rather than the normal, "I think Thragtusk has peaked and you should sell all of yours now" I am going to look at this a little differently.  Thragtusk has been an absolute all-star and his price dropping by no means reflects his playability or his power.  It very well may have been that he has peaked and you should sell all of yours now, but at the same time this is a card that you really have to watch before you make any sudden moves on it.  My advice (from a purely financial standpoint) is to hold onto them until they drop as low as say $22.50 then to get rid of them.  From a player's stand point if you have your playset, I wouldn't suggest getting rid of it for a while.

That is it!  Another week of City of Traders is in the . . . what?  Oh yeah, the Uncommons thing.  Look no further because Here You Go! 

29 Uncommons (and 4 close calls) worth $0.50 or more and their prices (mid) via

Return to Ravnica
Azorius Charm $0.91
Call of the Conclave $0.51
Dreg Mangler $0.53
Dryad Militant $0.81
Golgari Charm $0.47 (close enough)
Guttersnipe $0.58
Izzet Charm $0.83
Judge's Familiar $0.76
Rakdos Cackler $0.79
Selesnya Charm $0.99
Slitherhead $0.46 (close enough)
Ultimate Price $0.47 (close enough)

Avacyn Restored
Blood Artist $2.11
Thunderous Wrath $0.71

Dark Ascension
Diregraf Captain $0.56
Drogskol Captain $0.60
Lingering Souls $2.09
Strangleroot Geist $0.93
Stromkirk Captain $0.63

Diregraf Ghoul $0.51
Dissipate $0.77
Intangible Virtue $1.37
Invisible Stalker $0.95
Midnight Haunting $0.46 (close enough)

Augur of Bolas $0.75
Fog Bank $0.89
Jace's Phantasm $0.89
Knight of Glory $1.46
Oblivion Ring $0.56
Rancor $2.90
Reliquary Tower $0.76
Tormod's Crypt $0.57
Vampire Nighthawk $0.84

Wow!  Look at all of that money that you probably had lying around in your Uncommon box, that you leave sitting at home every time you go out trading.  Most of these cards are worth more than a lot of the Rares in standard.  My suggestion?  Stick some of these cards in the back of your trade binder and bring them with you so that you literally have more to bring to the trade table.

That's it for this weeks entry of City of Traders.  Have a great week and until next time, may your games be great and may your trades be awesome!



  1. Very good brief and this post helped me alot. Say thank you.

    John Methew
    Options Trading

    1. Glad I could help! Pass it along to any of your friends who could benefit as well.
