Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reward the Faithful - 11/12/2012

Goooooooood Evening Everyone!  Welcome back to City of Traders! 

I hope you are doing well and that you are here to get some information about what is going on in the world that we call Standard.  Tonight, as always, I am going to look at the current price trends, as well as provide a list of cards that I think are going to be potential players when Gatecrash comes out (get ready for some guild influenced decision making) that you may want to take a second look at before the official spoiler season starts (it never hurts to start thinking about these things early).

Before we can get to all of my incredibly insightful (read: highly speculative) writing please take some time to read my ever present disclaimer:

 First a disclaimer: As always, please take my advice at your own risk!  I am not a professional psychic and have absolutely no idea what card prices will do and that any advice offered is purely based on my own speculations/card price trends.

Second some directions:  In order to view the images posted on this blog at full size, please follow these simple directions.
Step 1: Left click on the image to bring it up.
Step 2: Right click on the image to bring up a list of options.
Step 3: Left click on "View Image"
Step 4: Left click on the image to enlarge it.  This will allow you to easily view it at full size.
Step 5: Marvel at how quickly prices can change.

Great now that that has been copied and pasted, errr, I mean thoughtfully and painstakingly rewritten we can get to the good stuff, and by that I mean Return to Ravnica:
All prices are mid on tcgplayer.com at the given date


Ash Zealot $3.11 (+0.18):  Still climbing slowly, the flashback hating, zombie bashing, card with all of the haste is still making its presence known.  With the way Hellrider is moving, I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a 4 or 5 dollar card in the future, especially if (when) Boros humans becomes a thing when Gatecrash comes out.

Deathrite Shaman $8.84 (+0.11): Remember that Modern tournament where somethings happened and stuff occured?  Yeah, well apparently there was a brief lull where people forgot Deathrite Shaman was awesome.  Having taken a peak at the results of Grand Prix Chicago people have suddenly remembered how sweet this card actually is.  12 copies in the the Top 8, with each deck running the full 4, oh and did I mention Jacob Wilson won with his list, which happened to include 4.  Look for Deathrite to be a player for a while.

Sphinx's Revelation $9.72 (+3.32):  I know when to admit that I have made a mistake, and ladies and gentlemen, I have made a mistake.  I did not make any comments on this card last week because it was only slightly kinda maybe going up in price and I just wrote it off as weird date variance, rather than actual movement.  For that, I apologize.  The Revelation hasn't showed signs of slowing and I would recommend holding on to yours until they peak.  Otherwise, if you need them, get them before they get out of control a la Entreat the Angles.

That is it for the ups, now let us look at the downs,


Abrupt Decay  $8.28 (-0.63):  I believe Abrupt Decay wins the award for most days without actually showing any increase in price.  It literally has not increased in price at all since I have started doing my data collection on October 6th.  How low will it go?  Probably very.  If you can find someone to take these off of your hands, make it a point to do so.

Armada Wurm $14.30 (-1.16):  As much as I like this card, Selesnya is winning with Thragtusks and Restoration Angels, and while a 6 cmc card that puts 10 power and toughness onto the board is Awesome, the lack of immediate impact to the game that this card makes the turn it is played, slightly hurts its awesomeness with all of the Termini (that is multiple terminus) running around.

Blood Crypt and the rest of the "shocks" (except Temple Garden, kinda) $13.09 (-0.23):  These are still excellent cards to have playsets of, but right now they are not wildly swinging up or down in price.  Overgrown Tomb, was inflated at $18+ for a while, but has since realized that it isn't any better than the others and has come back to a "normal" price point.  I will say that if you can easily get these in trades that they are a nice commodity to have in your binder, as people are almost always looking for them.

Chromatic Lantern $2.97 (-0.18):  Solid EDH card (for 5 color brews), however looking at Coalition Relic ($3.77) I do not see the Lantern going sky high any time soon.

Desecration Demon $2.34 (-0.17):  You know all of those demons that are bulk rares that you have sitting around in boxes?  Of course you don't, because they are bulk rares and you have them sitting around in boxes.  Desecration will end up there in due time.  Abyssal Persecutor he is not.

Detention Sphere $5.88 (-0.23):  O-Ring is so functionally similar that only decks that are already playing Blue are going to go out of their way for a card like this.  This will continue to go down.

Dreadbore $6.00 (-0.20):  I like this card as an instant and at common (terminate) and don't see this as an expensive rare for long.  I predict that Dreadbore will continue to fall similar to what Detention Sphere is doing.

The Guild Leaders $XX ----> $X:  All still steadily falling.  I just wish Rakdos and Trostani, and Niv would hurry up and get with the program and end up as a <$5 card, so I can go ahead and pick them up for EDH. :D

Jace, Architect of Thought $38.27 (-2.26):  You know, I must say that I am pretty proud of myself on this one.  In my very first post, I said that Jace had peaked and was going to continue to fall.  So far, I have been dead on the money.  Jace is sweet, don't get me wrong, but he hasn't increased in price at all and his decline doesn't show any sign of stopping.

Lotleth Troll: $6.56 (-0.64):  This will keep dropping.  And you should feel like you have been trolled if you bought these when they were stupid expensive.

Nivmagus Elemental $1.65 (-0.21):  Not sure why this guy was ever expensive, but he is definitely a big pile o' bulk.

Rest in Peace $1.55 (0.07):  Here lies Rest in Peace...

Supreme Verdict $4.91 (-0.34):  As long as Terminus is in standard, this cards price is not going to go up.

Vraska the Unseen $14.58 (-0.95):  If you can trade these off, do it.  If you can't, trade them off at $13 or something, because in two weeks, that is what this card's price is going to be.

Now we are going to look at Avacyn Restored:
All prices are mid on tcgplayer.com at the given date

Craterhoof Behemoth $3.61 (+0.35):  Sooooo Reanimator.  Haste, check.  Trample, Check. Attack granting MYTHIC ability, check.  Yep, this dude wins games the turn you play him, which is exactly what Reanimator is looking to do.  Pick 'em up now if you need 'em.

Restoration Angel $12.37 (+0.78):  I would have love to have told you about this card last week, but there simply wasn't the data to support pointing it out.  That having been said, one of the important things to take into consideration with this card isn't so much its current (and relevant) impact on Standard but also its past, and more importantly future relevance.  Restoration Angel is going to have something to blink in Gatecrash and Dragon's Maze, I know that much, and getting these right now might be a good idea, before they (potentially) go the way of Thragtusk and hit $20+.

Silverblade Paladin $7.74 (+0.22):  Well, that was anticlimactic.  Silverblade was projected to keep on keeping on, but instead he slowed down quite a bit and hasn't increased much in the last week.  I would still keep an eye on him though.


Bonfire of the Damned $31.11 (-0.35):  Still trending down, if you haven't heeded my advise yet and are still waiting for this card to shoot back up to $45 then you are a silly person.

Cavern of Souls $20.07 (-0.23):  Are people playing this yet?  I'm not sure, but its price does not seem to be reflecting it if they are.  Once people start trying to counter certain Green creatures in standard who are basically 3 cards stapled together *cough* Worldspine Wurm *cough* this card will start seeing play again.

Entreat the Angels $28.06 (-0.12):  It's up, it's down,  it's cast for this, it's cast for that.  I don't know where this card is headed, and I really don't even want to deal with its Miraculous shenanigans this week.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage $27.33 (+0.05):  I know that this is technically a gain in price, but the last three days, have shown a downward trend.  I think Tamiyo is just settling around $27.  Similar to Entreat, I don't definitely know where this one is headed.

Next!  Dark Ascension!
All prices are mid on tcgplayer.com at the given date

Hellrider $5.46 (+0.55):  Still moving up.  Still burning faces.  I hope you picked these up when they were less than $2 and are now laughing at all of the sweet trades I am imagining that you are making.

Huntmaster of the Fells $18.61 (+0.18):  So here is the thing.  This guy is aggressive and robust and can do quite a few things in the right situation.  This is one of that cards that I would like to (and will) highlight because I predict that he will be a player when Gatecrash comes out.  Gruul will be aggressive and odds are this is going to be the 4 drop that they will end up wanting.

Increasing Confusion $1.65 (+0.08):  Uhhh, I'm confused, but whatever, Mill is an oddly popular theme among the casual crowd and this is probably the sweetest mill card in standard (Sorry Jace).

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad $17.98 (+0.34):  This guy is good, and seems to be continuing to head up.  Seems legit.


Falkenrath Aristocrat $19.22 (-0.15):  Not a whole lot to say here, as this card is still competing with Oliva in control builds, and Hellrider in hyper aggressive builds.  The lack of a winning Killing Wave / Blood Artist strategy is impacting both its playability and its price.

Geralf's Messenger $10.68 (-0.12):  Zombies is losing . . . . . popularity and so is the Messenger.

Gravecrawler $11.36 (-0.18):  Please see above ^

Done with the DA now on to the INN:
All prices are mid on tcgplayer.com at the given date

Clifftop Retreat $9.34 (+0.50):  This could be going up for a number of reasons.  I like to think that it is going up because I said that it is going to do something in Gatecrash.  Just something to consider.

Garruk Relentless $14.36 (+0.10):  Garruk was going up all week, except for today.  This could be one of two things: either he has peaked and is going to continue to go down, or just a weird price thing and that he will continue to go up.  Either way, I just wanted to point it out.

Geist of Saint Traft $31.50 (+0.74):  Not sure why this is $30 . . . is he good or something?  All kidding aside, Geist is trending up and you should be watching his price especially if you are looking to get rid of yours when they peak (and they eventually will).

Olivia Voldaren $18.85 (+0.19):  If this card ever creeps down to $7 again, I am going to buy all of them.  The fact that she is still managing to increase in price is quite impressive.

Parallel Lives $3.69 (+0.10):  Still on its quest up, Parallel Lives may have slowed down, but it hasn't showed signs of stopping.  I still stand by my claim that when people are no longer playing with Innistrad cards in standard, this card will be a sweet one for EDH.

Past in Flames $1.78 (+0.06):  Did I miss something?  Is there a Modern storm deck that I overlooked?  While 6 cents isn't much, this card is up 26 cents since 10/30.  I am not saying you should buy this, unless maybe there is some crazy Epic Experiment deck that is winning with this right now.

Sever the Bloodline $2.22 (+0.26):  Not sure what else I can say about this that I haven't already.  It is going to keep going up.


Nothing to see here folks, save for Sulfur Falls (no surprise here Izzet isn't doing squat in Standard) and Woodland Cemetery (once again no surprise as everyone has extras from all of the Event Decks they've been opening/buying for the other rares (read: sweet, sweet Deadbridge Goliaths)).

All prices are mid on tcgplayer.com at the given date

Dragonskull Summit $3.50 (+0.07):  Not a big gain for the week, but if you look back at 10/6 this card's prices has increased 59 cents.  Something to certainly note going into the future.

Garruk, Primal Hunter $7.16 (+0.43):  Garruk had a stumble today since he didn't increase in price, but he was trending up solidly and is still one to keep an eye on.

Sublime Angel $25.13 (+1.89):  Yep, that is a solid Mythic.  I am not sure where this card is going to settle, but it hasn't slowed down all week.  If you think this is going to be a $30+ card then you may want to get in now.  As for me $25 is a lot to spend on a speculation for one card, so I think I am going to pass.

Sunpetal Grove $4.22 (+0.11):  Sunpetal's story is similar to D Skull's.  If you look at the week's gain of $0.11, it isn't much but if you look all the way back to 10/6 this card is up $1.41.  Just something to note.

Thragtusk $23.02 (+0.71):  Words cannot describe how solid this guy's price is.  Thraggy isn't going to quit, period.  I will not be surprised when, not if mind you, but when his price hits $25.  Oh by the way, if your LGS still has any Golgari Event decks in stock and is actually selling them at MSRP, you should go a head and buy them.

Thundermaw Hellkite $18.35 (+0.74):  He is a beater, and I foresee him hitting $20 easily.  As far as this card's potential in the future, keep in mind that Gruul is going to be a thing.


A list again, because I am lazy and M13 card haven't quit slipping: Ajani, Caller of the Pride; Cathedral of War; Jace, Memory Adept; Krenko, Mob Boss; Liliana of the Dark Realms; Odric, Master Tactician; Omniscience; Talrand, Sky Summoner; Trading Post; Yeva, Natures Herald.

And now, a sweet and concise list of 25 Rares and Mythic rares that I think are going to make an impact in Standard after Gatecrash comes out.  Keep in mind that this is a speculative as speculation gets, since I am not going off of any price trends.  Some of these are probably common sense, and some of them are probably waaaay out there.  Also I didn't include some cards (Thragtusk, Various Planeswalkers, the current shocklands, etc. because I know they are going to be regardless of what comes out of Gatecrash.  That having been said, here we go:

1. Ajani, Caller of the Pride: I swear this guy is going to be making something sweet into a double striking monster.
2. Ash Zealot: With Boros coming out, this could definitely be a card that could make an impact in a WR humans build.
3. Blasphemous Act: I'm actually surprised no one is running this now in a BRx control deck.  But if Red does become a more controlling color in the future, I could see this being one of its boardwipes of choice.
 4. Bonfire of the Damned:  As much as I rag on this card, with the right amount of mana dorks in standard at any given time, this card could see an spike in popularity again.
5. Champion of the Parish:  Humans is a sweet tribe right now, and Boros will make WR an even sweeter option.  That having been said, there is no better 1 drop for that color combination.
6. Chromatic Lantern:  Once all of the shocklands come out this will probably be irrelevant, however, it could be that a 5 Color Control list uses this to Ramp and fix.
7. Clifftop Retreat:  Pick these up before they skyrocket when Gatecrash spoilers start up.  That is all.
8. Deadeye Navigator:  Simic may just give us something to do with this, just a thought.
9. Drowned Catacombs:  Dimir will want additional mana fixing even though it will get a shock.
10. Evil Twin:  Not sure if this will ever become playable, but there is something I like about this card.
11. Havengul Lich:  Dimir + Heartless Summoning + Havengul Lich = a thing maybe.  I dunno.
12. Heartless Summoning:  Nothing fun to pair it with right now, but who knows with Orzhov and Dimir.
13. Hinterland Harbor:  Simic will want additional mana fixing even though it will get a shock too.
14. Huntmaster of the Fells:  As I said before, this guy is sweet and aggressive and that is right up Gruul's alley.  Also I think (don't quote me) Dark Ascension will be out of print when Gatecrash comes out and Huntmaster may be the linchpin of an awesome future Gruul list.
15. Isolated Chapel:  Orzhov will want additional mana fixing even though it will get a shock as well.
16. Kessig Wolf Run:  Gruul and such.
17. Mutilate:  There are going to b 4 different Swamp shock lands in standard at one time which means a deck can run 5 colors and still have every land in the deck be a swamp.  That is probably unrealistic and bad, but Mutilate could still see some play yet.
18. Nephalia Drownyard:  If UB control becomes a thing it may need a wincon and this could be it.
19. Quirion Druid: The best mana fixing we have seen in a while may make this card playable.
20. Rootbound Crag:  Gruul will want additional mana fixing even though it will get a shock also.
21. Slayer's Stronghold:  Boros + this = sweet hasty dudes.
22. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad:  Orzhov could give Sorin the tools he needs to be AWESOME in Standard.
23. Steam Vents: Not Gatecrash, but if the new planeswalker in Dragon's Maze is good, so then will this be.
24. Sulfur Falls: See the above comment.
25. Vault of the Archangel:  If Orzhov is sending guys into the red zone, then this is a card that will matter.

All right, that just about does it!  This has been a really fun article to write and I have really enjoyed looking at the cards that I think could change in the future when Gatecrash comes out.  If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and spread the joy!  As always, if you have any questions, comments, or snide remarks, please share them with me.  I hope you have enjoyed this week's City of Traders and until next time, may your games be great and may your trades be awesome!


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