Monday, February 25, 2013

Spoils of the Vault - 02/25/2013

Gooooood Evening everyone and welcome to City of Traders!!!! 

Tonight I'm going to let you know what is going on in the world of MTG Standard Financial Trends and as an added fun little bonus I am going to try and predict how much the new From the Vaults: Twenty is going to be worth.  I'm partly doing this as a "fun/goofy who knows what could happen" thing and partly as a "let's see how close my prediction actually is" thing.  But enough about  me, lets talk about some MAGIC!!!

All prices are mid on at the given date
(Not much to see here)

Blind Obedience $6.70 (+0.23):  Sloooooow but steady.  This is a great anti aggro card and since aggro seems to be dominating right now, people are moving in on these.  If the right deck breaks this card open, it's price will rise.

Crypt Ghast $2.75 (+0.03):  I know, I know, did you really need me to tell you that this card went up a whopping 3 cents?  Hopefully not, but, if this card does what I think it will then you should get in now while it is still cheap.

(There's a lot)

My advice here is to look for the red.  If you think a card is just going to keep falling, then trade yours off, if you think a card is falling but will eventually turn around, then invest now while prices are down.  Oh, and if you are holding onto your Boros Reckoners and you're not playing them now or any time in the future, bail on those asap because they have peaked.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Uhhh, Sphinx's Revelation (I guess?) $17.99 (+0.70):  This card was moving up toward the beginning of the week, and has sorta slowed down in the past couple of days.  Keep an eye out here and Bail on yours once they peak.

Before I move on, I would like to mention something.  There was a sudden drop, not a gradual trend in some of the prices.  See all of the Red on the 20th and the 21st?  That was a severe price drop.  This is something to keep in mind as you trade in the week(s) coming forward.


Angel of Serenity $8.75 (-1.29)

Armada Wurm $3.75 (-0.36)

Deathrite Shaman $14.00 (-0.50)

Jace, Architect of Thought $12.95 (-1.25)

Lotleth Troll $2.59 (-0.26)

Trostani, Selesnya's Voice $4.17 (-0.29)

Vraska the Unseen $6.50 (-0.53)

My advice here?  Trade these cards into more "stable" cards.  In other words, Legacy staples, and Commander goodies, that aren't going to be reprinted any time soon.  Alternatively, try and trade up into Standard cards that are trending up, instead of down.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Angel of Glory's Rise $2.49 (+0.23):  Not much to see here, although this card is one of the key pieces in probably the most popular combo deck in standard right now, so it makes sense that it's price is moving up a little.  Oh, on a side note, there is/was a promo version of this at Wal-Mart/Target, it is one of those "buy three old packs and get this promo for like $10" things.  If you want to get a hold of this card, check that out.

Cavern of Souls $26.60 (+0.76):  There were copies of this card all over the GP Quebec City top 8, 17 to be exact.  I'm just saying this would be one of those cards I mentioned trading your Falling RtR Rares into.


Bonfire of the Damned $26.20 (-0.70):  I knew it was too good to be true :D  All kidding aside if this keeps falling it's still not a bad time to trade out of this.

Craterhoof Behemoth $5.15 (-0.65):  More mythic falling action.  Hopefully you took my advice months ago and got rid of your copies when they peaked (11/22).

Entreat the Angels $11.66 (-1.36):  This card's price dropped for a while before it shot back up after Return to Ravnica came out so there is a possibility that it could do that again.  It is at the lowest it has been since I started collecting data, which is definitely something to mention, especially if you think this card is poised for a comeback.

Sigarda, Host of Herons $10.00 (-0.42):  Not sure if this one is going to go back up for a while.  Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome card, but the data just isn't there to support an oncoming rise this week.

Silverblade Paladin $9.99 (-0.64):  Not that I am basing everything off of it, but there were only 5 copies of this card in the entire GP top 8.  If this card's popularity doesn't drastically change, I could see its price continuing to fall.  Now wouldn't be a bad time to get out of yours while you can.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage $18.55 (-1.07):  If Jace, Architect of Thought is any indication, then this card's price is also going to continue to drop.  The kind of Blue 'walker control deck that was running these cards just isn't doing it right now.  I recommend trading out now.

Temporal Mastery $8.02 (-0.50):  I really don't have much to say about this card.  It will probably still drop, but it will never really get much lower than $5-6 just based on the power of its ability.

Terminus $6.97 (-0.42):  Right now creatures matter, and one would think Terminus would be good.  The problem is, that most decks are rallying so well from a sweeper that it makes this worse.  I predict that this card's price will continue to drop.

Wolfir Silverheart $2.63 (-0.29):  Another example of a card that had it's day in the spotlight, but just isn't seeing the level of play it once was.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Falkenrath Aristocrat $18.99 (+0.15):  This card did help take the winner of the GP's deck to 1st place.  It also fits in nicely with the "Hey, I think aggro might be a good thing to play right now" mentality that is prevalent in Standard.  My recommendation?  Trade this sucker off when it peaks and smile at how awesome you feel.

Hellrider $15.43 (+0.62):  Hellrider was constantly trending up, but I think it may be (or has already) peaked.  If you have some copies hanging out that you aren't using, watch for their price to quit rising and act appropriately.


Geralf's Messenger $5.31 (-0.68)

Gravecrawler $6.45 (-0.81)

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben $6.15 (-0.22)

All prices are mid on at the given date

Blasphemous Act $2.99 (+0.62):  No surprise here.  If you have a Boros Reckoner and your opponent doesn't this card is stupid awesome!  But you already knew that, right?  Of course you did.  :D

Isolated Chapel $12.99 (+0.79):  Lands are good, Black, White, synergy, blah, blah, blah.  You've heard it all before.

Liliana of the Veil $31.94 (+1.82):  Lili popped up in quite a few lists from the GP top 8 in both the main and the side.  This card puts the right kind of pressure on the decks that are hot in standard right now, so it may be wise to trade into one if you plan on using it soon.  Otherwise you may end up paying close to $40 if this trend continues.

Mayor of Avabruck $2.59 (+0.04):  This is more of a PSA than a recommendation.  The Mayor makes humans awesome, and having used his anthem ability on multiple occasions, I can say he is a powerful card.  The fact of the matter is there are more awesome humans in Standard right now than there have been in a very long time, and Mr. Mayor is in a good position to see play and (more importantly) rise in price.

Nephalia Drownyard $0.99 (+0.15):  Alternate win conditions are always a Control player's favorite.  This is no exception.  I'm not telling you to invest in these, just to be aware of their recent price increase.

Stromkirk Noble $4.86 (+0.18):  Hey remember those humans I told you to care about earlier?  Well Stromkirk Noble don't care, which makes him like the Honey Badger, which makes him AWESOME!


Champion of the Parish $5.69 (-0.29)

Gavony Township $2.32 (-0.21)

Olivia Voldaren $11.98 (-0.40)

Sever the Bloodline (-0.20)

MAGIC 2013
All prices are mid on at the given date

Akroma's Memorial $5.39 (+0.11):  Steady as she goes.

Jace, Memory Adept $17.47 (+0.36):  Jace's price went crazy when the UB guildmage was spoiled and it looks like there may be a little something going on again.  To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what it is, so if someone could enlighten me, that would be awesome.

Omniscience $5.00 (+0.54):  This card has been solidly moving up for a while now.  It's playability in Legacy, Commander, Casual, and (apparently) Standard will keep this card's demand high.  Get these now if you need them for any of the aforementioned formats.

Primordial Hydra $5.99 (+0.26):  I imagine this rise is due mostly to Casual and Commander appeal, since I haven't seen this break out in Standard yet.  If it is one of the eternal formats, I have more than likely missed that as well.

Rhox Faithmender $4.49 (+0.26):  Life gain combats aggro.  I think that sums it up.

Rootbound Crag $3.90 (+0.22)


Ajani, Caller of the Pride $9.99 (-0.37):  I had high hopes, but still no luck.

Sublime Archangel $19.93 (-0.64):  I have already mentioned that you should have bailed on this.  I don't think there's much else to say.

Thragtusk $14.49 (-0.98):  Still an awesome card, just not seeing as much play as it use to.  If you can find someone to trade your copies to, I say go for it.

Thundermaw Hellkite $32.40 (-0.91):  I think I've mentioned that this peaked a while ago.  My recommendation here is the same as the past few cards, get out of this now!

That wraps it up as far as this week's price trends are concerned.  I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it!  Now I am going to play a little game of predict the future!  Here is my prediction for what the value of the new From the Vaults: Twenty is going to be:

Average Card Price:  $9.50
Total Set Value:  $175 - 185
Money Card Price: $45

I based these numbers off of the Average card price for the other 5 From the Vaults and each of the total set values from the other 5 sets.  Since we have no clue what is going to be in the set these numbers could be wildly off, but who knows I could be right . . . on the money. YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

That's it for this week folks.  Additionally, I thought I would try a little something new this week.  Have a great week, and Never stop trading.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Spell Blast - 2/18/2013

Good evening everyone and welcome once again to City of Traders! 

Tonight I'm going to present the data in the usual fashion, and luckily I have a fairly comprehensive bit of analysis to go with said data.  That having been said, let's dig in!

All prices are mid on at the given date

Blind Obedience $6.57 (+1.01):  Need to slow down aggro?  Look no further. 

Boros Reckoner $25.75 (+8.23):  Need to aggro your opponents face off?  He's your minotaur.  I wouldn't bother investing now, however if his price peaks soon, cash in on any you've acquired on the cheap.

Gyre Sage $4.84 (+3.15):  Turns out mana ramp is good (who knew?) and this card happens to combo well with Blessings of Nature.  Probably not going to move up much more, but keep an eye out.

Sacred Foundry $14.33 (+0.56) and Stomping Ground $14.03 (+0.81):  The two popular colors are getting all of the love.  Pick these up now unless you want to pay $16+ a piece in a week or so.


Just a comment, there is a lot of red on that worksheet (hype is wearing off).  If you have one of the cards whose price is dropping steadily and can cash in, I recommend doing so.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Abrupt Decay $6.45 (+0.20):  Not much to see here, but if Reckoner is the new it card, why not run a card that shuts it down handily.

Ash Zealot $4.58 (+0.47):  If this growth keeps up at $+0.50 a week, then we could easily see this card at $6+ dollars.

Mizzium Mortars $2.36 (+0.26):  Removal is good.

Rakdos's Return $5.34 (+0.07):  I know this is only up a few pennies, but . . . remember that one time that  Sphinx's Revelation blew up over night?  Yeah, that could happen again here because this card is a beating against so many decks.  Invest accordingly.

Sphinx's Revelation $17.29 (+0.90):  It was moving down, but it appears to be headed up again.  You may want to hold onto yours before you bail and see what happens.

Supreme Verdict $4.05 (+0.21):  If you can't damage a creature to kill it, why not just blow it up?  We could be seeing a new breed of control deck evolving, and this card is going to be at the center of it.


The main offenders here are Mythics that have seen less and less play as of late.  Trade out accordingly.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Cavern of Souls $25.84 (+0.76):  This card is never going to be less than $20, and that makes it a great card to trade into.  In other words, if you have cards that are moving down in price, trade them into copies of Cavern in order to keep your collections value stable.

Gisela, Blade of Goldnight $8.40 (+0.73):  Commander and Standard appeal make this card a fine pick up, even at this price.  I could easily see this card's price reaching $10-$12 in the near future.

Gloom Surgeon $0.41 (+0.08):  Uhhh, not sure what's going on here.  Any thoughts.

Griselbrand $9.75 (+0.29):  Now with 100% more bran(d)!

Restoration Angel $16.59 (+1.01):  I've said it before, I'll say it again, this card's splashability makes it an all star.  Look for its price to continue upward from here.

Silverblade Paladin $10.63 (+0.37):  Despite this card's appearance in the Event Deck, its price is continuing to trend up.  I suppose giving any creature double strike really is that good.

Zealous Conscripts $2.54 (+0.11):  This card is never going to be super expensive, but every little bit helps, and this one is trending up.


Once again, the main offenders here are high dollar Mythics that aren't seeing as much play anymore.  Trade out of these cards if you think their price is going to keep dropping (or trade into them if you think they are going to swing back up).

All prices are mid on at the given date

Falkenrath Aristocrat $18.84 (+0.92):  It's funny what a 1st place finish at a Pro Tour can do to a card's price, especially when the winning deck was running four copies of said card.  This will easily hit $20+ again, keep an eye out and see how far it goes and then sell your accordingly.

Hellrider $14.81 (+3.39):  Once again, Hellrider puts up solid growth.  As with Falkenrath, hold onto your copies and then trade/sell accordingly once it peaks.

Huntmaster of the Fells $33.53 (+2.66):  This card's price is going to continue to go up due to a) it being awesome, b) it being a Mythic, and c) it being an awesome Mythic that people are playing in multiple formats.  Don't trade yours yet, wait and see where this one ends up.


Not much to see here.  Just look for the big red horizontal lines.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Blasphemous Act $2.37 (+1.35):  No surprise here.  Dealing 13 damage to your opponent as you wipe the board seems like a good plan, however, I don't think this is going to go up too much more.

Champion of the Parish $5.98 (+0.37):  Remember that thing I said about Falkenrath Aristocrat?  Yeah, that applies here.

Clifftop Retreat $15.18 (+0.87):  I think Red and White have locked in their spot as standard power players and this cards movement solidifies that.

Geist of Saint Traft $28.15 (+0.62):  Just because he's down for a while, doesn't mean Geist is out.  This is one of the better times to invest in this now while it is under $30.

Isolated Chapel $12.20 (+0.79)

Kessig Wolf Run $1.9+ (+0.10)

Liliana of the Veil $30.12 (+3.83):  Lili is a Modern powerhouse and she showed up in both of the Jund Midrange decks in the top 8 of this past week's Pro Tour.  This card has the potential to command a high price tag and I predict it will do just that again.

Nephalia Drownyard $0.84 (+0.13):  Probably nothing going on here, but I like to be thorough.

Skirsdag High Priest $+0.65 (+0.10):  This card was a 3 of in a 1st place finish deck, that probably won't make it jump in price, but it is a good thing to know.

Stromkirk Noble $4.68 (+0.47)



All prices are mid on at the given date

Akroma's Memorial $5.28 (+0.15)

Primordial Hydra $5.73 (+0.39): +1/+1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 apparently equals 5.73 (and trample)

Rhox Faithmender $4.23 (+0.18):  Life gain does stop you from losing to your opponent's extraordinarily fast deck and no one does it better at 4 mana than the Rhox.


Ajani, Caller of the Pride $10.36 (-0.25):  I had high hopes Ajani would see play post gatecrash, but I suppose not all dreams come true.

Sublime Archangel $20.57 (-1.10):  Bail on your copies now before you can't get $20 for them any more.

Thragtusk $15.47 (-0.58):  OH how the mighty have fallen.

Thundermaw Hellkite $33.31 (-0.72):  Trade out of this asap, if not sooner.

That just about wraps it up for this evening.  I just want to say thanks to everyone who has been reading this every week and I really want each of you to know how much your continued interest and support means to me.  I would like to ask a favor of any one currently reading (and enjoying) this blog.  The favor is simple.  Share this blog with two people you know who play Magic, either via word of mouth, sharing the link on Facebook, or sending a link via email.  I would be very grateful and appreciative.

That is it for this week.  Thanks for reading, and until next time I hope your games are great and that your trades are awesome!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Mind Bomb - 02/11/2013

Tonight is a special night here at City of Traders due to the fact that I am totally copping out on writing the bulk of this article XD  My wife and I both have the day off tomorrow, so I'm going to kick Mardi Gras off early and just post the data, a (brief) list of cards that are trending up (the big movers), and that's it!  I hope you enjoy.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Blind Obedience $5.56 (+0.42)

Boros Reckoner $17.52 (+7.02) !!!Good God, hope you grabbed this one last week!!!

Legion Loyalist $4.45 (+0.28)

Sacred Foundry $13.77 (+0.36)

Stomping Ground 13.22 (+0.55)

Return to Ravnica
All prices are mid on at the given date

Ash Zealot $4.11 (+0.36)

Chromatic Lantern $3.26 (+0.08) !!!PLAY ALL THE COLORS!!!

Corpsejack Menace $1.08 (+0.23)

Avacyn Restored
All prices are mid on at the given date

Angel of Glory's Rise $2.18 (+0.25) !!!Ca-Ca-Cc-COMBO CARD!!!

Avacyn, Angel of Hope $11.66 (+0.19)

Bonfire of the Damned $27.34 (+0.22)

Cavern of Souls $25.08 (+0.39)

Silverblade Paladin $10.26 (+0.18)

Vexing Devil $7.62 (+0.24)

Dark Ascension
All prices are mid on at the given date

Hellrider $11.42 (+1.14) !!!This is going to continue to move up, don't trade yours yet!!!

Huntmaster of the Fells $30.87 (+2.25)

Vault of the Archangel $2.44 (0.06)

All prices are mid on at the given date*

Champion of the Parish $5.61 (+0.33)

Clifftop Retreat $14.31 (+1.91)

Isolated Chapel $11.41 (+0.40)

Kessig Wolf Run $1.86 (+0.07)

Liliana of the Veil $26.29 (+1.63)

Mayor of Avabruck $2.44 (+0.07) !!!HUMANS!!!

Past in Flames $2.59 (+0.08)

Stromkirk Noble $4.21 (+0.64)

*Elite Inquisitor's price is wrong on 2/11, unfortunately it isn't $10.34 :D

All prices are mid on at the given date

Akroma's Memorial $5.13 (+0.13) !!!SOLID!!!

Chandra the Firebrand $4.72 (+0.08)

Drowned Catacomb $3.74 (+0.13)

Gilded Lotus $3.47 (+0.12)

Mutilate $2.54 (+0.07) !!!SWAMPTASTIC!!!

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker $4.59 (+0.23)

Omniscience $4.43 (+0.22)

Primordial Hydra $5.34 (+0.31)

Rootbound Crag $3.48 (+0.37)

That's all folks.  Happy Mardi Gras! And until next time, may your games be great and may your trades be awesome!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Withering Gaze - 2/04/2013

Good evening everyone!  Welcome once again to City of Traders! 

Before we begin, I would like to say thank you to everyone who checked out the blog last week, as it was one of my most widely viewed entries and to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed seeing that.  If you ever find yourself reading this article and think you may know someone who might enjoy it, pass it along, I would really appreciate it.

As always, take my advice at your own risk and remember to use your head when going into a trade.

Tonight, we are going to look at the current price trends highlights and I will take a look at the recently announced Gatecrash Event Decks and let you know how their content stacks up to their price tag.  Lets dive right in.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Blind Obedience $5.14 (+0.99):  Up a dollar, this card's playability is being reflected in its price trend.  If you find yourself wanting to hose your opponent and gain some life for your trouble, pick these up now.

Boros Reckoner $10.50 (+4.83):  All I can say about this was I hope you read the article the night I posted it and grabbed as many of these as you could.  This price could be reflecting hype, but at the same time RDW can use this, RW stuff can use this, and the casual Stuffy Doll/13 Damage deck can use this.  Grab it now if you need it, otherwise you may want to wait for the hype to dissipate.

Frontline Medic $5.31 (+0.13):  No big movement, but this could be one of those cards that comes out of nowhere and shoots up a dollar or two in a week.  This is one to watch.

Legion Loyalist $4.17 (+0.23):  I think this card is going to continue to go up.  Red decks love their hasty one drops and this guy hooks your entire team up, and he beats tokens, which is never a bad option for aggro decks to have.

Sacred Foundry $13.41 (+0.70):  Note that I am not referencing "the Shocklands" as a group, I'm just talking specifically about Sacred Foundry.  Boros is making quite the impact on Standard and in order to run the Red White menace you have to get your mana right.  If you plan on playing these, get them while they are still less than $15.

Stomping Ground $12.67 (+0.17):  See the above comments :D

Watery Grave $12.74 (+0.01):  Same thing here.  For some reason, only these three shocks seem to be headed up.  We could have another instance of Temple Garden here so invest appropriately.


I'm not going to belabor this and mention every card that dropped five cents.  I am going to just point out what I think was SUPER hyped and what will inevitably fall.

Aurelia's Fury $23.65 (-2.81):  I think until this card proves itself in the correct shell, its price is going to continue to fall.  This card was hyped so much because people didn't want to miss the "next" Sphinx's Revelation.  Bail on this card if you have it, unless its price takes a turn for the better.

Borborygmos Enraged $3.64 (-0.36):  Maybe this isn't the answer Reanimator needed, but then again it may be that this card just hasn't had its chance yet.

Duskmantle Seer $12.69 (-2.11):  Unless this card see's some awesome tournament winning play, I think its price is going to continue to fall.  If you think someone is going to break this card open hang on to it, otherwise you may want to consider getting rid of yours now.

Gideon, Champion of Justice $16.15 (-2.89):  Gideon 2.0 just isn't living up to the hype.  It looks like Domri may be this set's Jace, and Gideon may just be Vraska, sad unplayed Vraska.

That ends my list of big drops for the week.  There are other cards that are falling in price, but I'll let you check out the image for yourself and make judgements on your own.

All prices are mid on at the given date

It has been a while since I have talked about the Non-Gatecrash stuff so I am going to focus on what I feel is moving based on Gatecrash's impact on it.

Chromatic Lantern $3.18 (+0.12):  Some decks like playing more than 2 colors.  Those decks need mana fixing and mana ramp and this is the card to do it.  At $3 this could be a sweet grab, especially if it hits $5.

Sadly, that's about it as far as cards that are moving upward due to Gatecrash, now lets look at what's moving down.


Angel of Serenity $12.38 (-0.68):  It seems mid-range has become the thing to tinker with right now.  Sadly, that leaves big creatures sitting on the sidelines while the 4-6 drops take center state.  If you think Angel isn't going to bounce back, now may be the time to unload before its price falls even further.

Jace, Architect of Thought $15.37 (-0.60):  I'm not sure where Jace's price is going to end up, but it doesn't appear to be leveling out anytime soon.  All I can say about Jace from a financial standpoint, is that I hope you sold yours when they were $40+ dollars. :D

Sphinx's Revelation $17.25 (-0.39):  It's definitely time to get rid of this card (if you haven't done so already).  Its a great card, but if you are not going to play it in Standard anytime soon, you should get rid of yours now and profit like a champ.

Those are the major movers from RTR, now lets look at Avacyn Restored!
All prices are mid on at the given date

Bonfire of the Damned $27.12 (+0.59):  I am not surprised that this card's price has slightly increased over the past few days.  There are plenty of decks that can take advantage of casting this card for its miracle cost and it will inevitably see some amount of play.  I"m not saying snatch up every copy that you can right now (as it is still fairly expensive to invest in), but this is definitely a card to watch.

Gisela, Blade of Goldnight $7.63 (+0.31):  This card is Boros, it's big, and it has an immediate impact on this battlefield.  If this card blows up, it could easily hit $12 so get in now if you are feeling lucky.


Craterhoof Behemoth $6.97 (-0.42):  Stick a fork in him, he's done.  Craterhoof has seen his time in the sun and stands to continue to fall.  If you can get rid of yours now, do so.

Entreat the Angels $14.74 (-0.44):  Entreat has been falling for a while now.  If you can still get some sweet trade material out of your Entreat, I recommend doing so now before its price continues to fall.

Exquisite Blood $3.52 (-0.26):  This card was absolutely hyped.  People jumped all over this before they even had a chance to test it out which inflated the price quickly.  I think we will see it fall for a few weeks and it will probably level out around $2.

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage $21.52 (-0.75):  Without a solid Control shell to fully utilize Tami, her price has dropped steadily.  I recommend trading out of Tami into other more financially stable cards.

All prices are mid on at the given date

Hellrider $10.28 (+0.31):  This may be the best Aggro 4 drop in the format, especially since it doesn't require 2 colors to play.  Hellrider's price is going to continue to rise, hold onto yours until they peak and then cash out.

Huntmaster of the Fells $28.62 (+1.90):  Wow.  I believe we may have a winner.  Also Bloodbraid Elf was banned, so Jund decks are going to rely on the Huntmaster to really do some work.


Falkenrath Aristocrat $18.98 (-1.00):  Falkenrath has been falling consistently for over two weeks now.  I highly recommend trading out of yours now, while they are still as high as they are.

Geralf's Messenger $6.28 and Gravecrawler $8.18:  Zombies just isn't seeing the play that it was.  Both of these cards are steadily trending down and should be bailed up in the near future.

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad $21.04 (-1.10):  Sorin was up there for a while, but he has since turned in the other direction and will only continue to fall until after the dual deck comes out which will be the nail in the coffin for him.  Trade out of yours now at $21 and thank me when you can get 3 for the same price after the dual deck drops.

Now let's look at INNISTRAD:
All prices are mid on at the given date

Champion of the Parish $5.28 (+0.19):  Humans are good.  Boros is good.  Put them together and what do you have?  A very good  use for this card.  Champion is very well positioned right now and I recommend keeping an eye on his future movements.

Clifftop Retreat $12.40 (+0.63):  Red White is the place to be, but this card coming out in the Event deck may impact its price.  Keep an eye on this card and trade appropriately. 

Isolated Chapel $11.01 (+0.27):  Since White and Black don't have a ton of ways to fix their mana base without dipping into other colors, decks playing these colors will take advantage of all of the fixing they can get.  Look for this card's price to continue to rise.

Stromkirk Noble $3.57 (+0.24):  Red decks need one drops so why not turn to the one that walks past humans.  I'm not saying this card is going to leap and bound upward, but it couldn't hurt to hang on to yours until their price increases a little more.


Not much to see here.  Just check out the chart and look for the RED.

Finally, M13:
All prices are mid on at the given date

Akroma's Memorial $5.00 (+0.35):  Akroma's Memorial has been solidly trending up in price for a while now.  The copy from Future Sight was quite expensive prior to M13's release and given that the new copy is a Mythic, there will be fewer copies in the market than there would be if it had been printed as a Rare.  Picking this up now isn't a bad idea considering that it appears to be on the rise.

Mutilate $2.47 (+0.07):  Only up seven cents but it's important to note that this card greatly benefits from all of the shocklands being in standard at the same time again.  Just saying.

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker $4.36 (+0.23):  It could be time for the baddest dragon in the multiverse to reascend to the position of finisher in various control decks.  If Nicol becomes the thing to do on turn 7-8 then his price could continue to rise.


Sublime Archangel $22.00 (-1.87):  This is still a solid card, but recently its price decline gives me reason to suggest getting rid of yours before their price drops further.

Thragtusk $17.10 (-1.38):  Oh how the thraggy have fallen.  Thragtusk is awesome, but thanks to the evolving beast that is Standard his price has continued to fall.  If you aren't going to be playing any copies you have lying around, and are looking to make some fast trades, get rid of your copies now before you lose the chance to make some money.

Thundermaw Hellkite $35.61 (-0.99):  This is another example of a sweet card that just isn't seeing as much play post Gatecrash.  From a purely financial standpoint, my recommendation is to bail on your copies now because I don't think Thundermaw has what it takes to climb any higher that what we are currently seeing and will only move down from here.

That wraps up the individual card reviews, now lets take a look at those Event decks:

Simic: Thrive and Thrash
Total Rare Value:  $23.64
Sweet Uncommons and Commons? Yes
A good buy?  Yes.  Although Thragtusk makes up almost all of the Rare value, there is still some sweet stuff to be had here.  You get three copies of Rancor @ $3.21 a pop for an additional $9 worth of value.  The two Fog Banks add another $2-3 as well.  Although you may not immediately get value just on the rares, the Uncommons make this deck a solid buy.

Boros: Rally and Rout
Total Rare Value:  $42.32
Sweet Uncommons and Commons? Yes
A good buy?  Yes.  Plenty of Rare value here.  Additionally, you get the makings of a solid RW humans deck.  Plus the two copies each of Skullcrack and Boros Charm bring up the value as well.  A fine pick up.

That's it for tonight.  I hope you had a good time.  As always, may your games be great and may your trades be awesome!
